不只陸上人很多海底也很熱鬧最忙碌的應該就屬龍蝦洞的傑尼龜了吧😆不停來回招呼新到來的潛水員經過順手巴個頭、踢一下面鏡大家還是很開心的笑著說可愛❤️ 萌萌噠 海龜特權....(那個~我也想當保育類🙋🏽♂️~ It’s busy on weekend! Not only on the road but also under the sea.The sea turtle “Ja-Ni” alway being hospitality and enthusiasm to welcome every divers.Maybe slap your head or kick your mask.But divers just love that!Well... if I’m that cute as he does.... 附上一張教練視角先到沙地的客人一字排開像是機場一般等待後面陸續降落Dive Instructor’s daily viewWaiting one after one to landingAwsome day~ Wonderful dive~