Here comes the JANI sea turtle again!
Just on my AOW course SMB demonstration, he bump into our view! Like saying , hey ! you guys come to play with me now~ no divers visit today~ ❤️ Wandering around and being affectionate.Stay with us till we go up to surface then leaved.What a nice dive !傑尼龜又來啦!前天在AOW課程做SMB示範時他突然出現沖進來一直在旁邊晃來晃去又磨又蹭的❤️好像是颱風來臨前夕都沒人下水陪他玩一樣超級可愛即便能見度不佳但大家都被逗得好開心乖孩子,別亂跑,等颱風過後再下水看看你啊!🤣@playful_dive