《特別篇 - 海廢 假人頭》
夭壽颱風過境後走在沙灘上竟然被一顆假人頭嚇了一跳要擱淺也不好好趴著眼睛睜這麼大是想幹嘛海廢的問題其實遠超乎你我的想像不是潛水員可能比較難感受到那份衝擊但不潛水的人走在沙灘上看這顆塑膠人頭想必也是有點哭笑不得吧!要不是鬼月剛走還真的懷疑是不是好兄弟有事相託要我幫忙減塑生活~從自己開始~亞馬遜森林大火中燒,海洋世界早已泣不成聲吃吃芒果乾,也別忘了看看大海 🌀Nemo’s murmur after typhoon had gone🌀We all know ocean are polluted by human’s excessive waste and over use of plastic product.If you are not a diver , you may not have the impact of how it mess up. But if you saw the plastic made fake head on the beach , just when you inadvertently walk by and be shocked.You will find that not only amazon forest are angry , but ocean already crying for century.So please rouse up , start decreasing your plastic product in your daily life.Walk into mother nature to experience more spiritual life than material life.Maybe not for yourself but for your next generation.@playful_dive