🎉恭喜 @no_thingatall 順利完成AOW進階開放水域潛水員課程啦
整個八月小琉球🌀颱風多☔️雨多🌊浪不平要剛好遇到完整的幾天空檔實在不易索性這三天很幸運 ☀️有好天氣也有好的能見度 ⚓️沈船、放流、深潛、導航、頂尖中性浮力複習了理論,強調了技巧還是得多下水練習增加經驗才會越來越輕鬆喔 🗺水下世界持續探索中~🗺 🎉Congratulations to @no_thingatall nicely complete Advanced Open Water Diver course ☀️It’s lucky to have three days of such a good weather in August in xiaoliuqiu.Good visibility with sea turtles. 🛥Five adventure dive : Shipwreck , drifting , deep dive , navigation , peak performance neutral buoyancy , night dive ⚓️Reviewed knowledge and practiced skills , but most important is to internalize it all then be more comfortable in any circumstances. 🗺Keep exploring under water world🗺 Special thanks to @marsz.tw filming and editing.