這次的投票當然沒有缺席開票期間來個夜潛愜意的等待結果出爐還真是不錯的方式大選結束後重點還是如何繼續監督政府打貪揭弊讓我們珍惜的民主自由走向更正常化的軌道讓公平正義可以更落實在我們的日常生活中如果還是覺得生活過的不盡如意那就跳進海裡吧!大自然總是不會讓你失望的😆With the AOW course going on , still can’t be absent for the voting.Instead of waiting for the finale in front of TV, I choose to have a easy night dive.Not surprisingly , it won’t make me down. After election, the point still be like keep supervise the government.Push them to deal with dirty things.Treasure our democracy and freedom.Let the qual and justice run into our daily life.Though life could be hard still , could be sad in some moment .Why not jump into water, and let the ocean heals you!Mother nature won’t disappoint you.