小琉球也有梭魚風暴啊!前陣子就一直目擊到小梭魚群了🐟🐟🐟今天直接看到整團的家族旅遊阿公阿嬤叔叔伯伯跟鄰居都一起出來了🐠為了不去驚擾到它們的生活我保持了一段距離錄影所以看起來有點遠這一潛只能說超值再超值87分不能再高了!有看到小梭魚群跟大梭魚風暴,小軟絲排隊長長一列,火焰貝寶寶爬行,藍點魟逛街,還有枯木海龍當邊緣人裝死躺路邊。超棒的能見度配上好運氣防疫期間不用出國了啦來小琉球就好了🌝天氣漸漸轉熱了還沒學潛水的朋友是時候來加入我們的行列囉已經有證照的朋友也趕快來跳海吧!🐳Look ! Barracuda storm in XiaoLiuQiu !With the good not to disturb them , I keep a distance to recording this video.It can’t be better of this dive.We hit small and big barracuda groups , cuttle fish group , baby flame scallop crawling ,blue-spotted stingray , dead wood sea dragon in just only one dive.Good visibility and good luck. What else could I ask!Now it’s the time join us to dive.Magnificent ocean’s calling you! I’ll upload the later video after...影片陸續上傳中...@playful_dive